Wednesday, June 10, 2009


i didn't do a whole lot today, unless you count doing a favor for my mom something. she's having a party {that i am not invited to}, and she got some really cute invitations from paper source. she realized on monday, though, that she didn't have enough {shoulda been my first hint} and that she wanted to get some more...
i, of course, went with her to paper source {since i had a massive gift card and would take any excuse to go there} and the following went down there:

me: wow, those invites are really cute!
mom: yeah i know, right? hey question.
me {unsupsectingly perusing paper}: mmhmm?
mom {sweetly}: so i was wondering. would you like to use some of your writing to, oh i dunno, make them look pretty for me?
me {enthralled by patterns}: wow look at this one!!
mom: well?
me {still not comprehending}: um, yes?

**my mother does not really talk like this. it's pretty much her words in katespeak.**

i am a bit slow on the uptake. i should have asked her how many, but i didn't. so when she brings me a list after i whip up the prototype my jaw kinda dropped.


now that doesn't sound like a lot, but i'm kind of ocd. when i make something, i want every detail to be perfect. if there is a mistake, i scrap it. my garbage can is always the most full in our house. and since these invites were going to fall into the hands of people i respect, i knew that this would take a while.

and it did.

after scrapping four invites and four envelopes {about 30 + minutes of work} i finally got all sixteen done {in about 3 hours}. my hand hurts like crazy.

but it was fun. i love drawing with all of my heart, and my mom promised that in return we would redo my bathroom this week, so i guess i won ;)

since i didn't really have time to do much else today {i worked at the library all this morning} i figured i may as well share the fruits of my labor.

i wasn't going to include this last one cuz one of the envelopes is washed out but i had to. my desk is cracking me up right now. please note: rubiks cube {i am in love with rubiks cubes...i've gotten down to 2.5 minutes}, jar full of the barrettes you put into two year olds' hair {they have pretty colors!! i have to wear them!! and everyone loves a good plastic bow}, madeline and pepito piggy bank {saw it at a garage sale. madeline was my childhood hero so i couldn't say no. you don't want to know what's in it}, kate sutton band-aids {i almost hate to use them they are so pretty}, cubby full of archie comics {from my younger years}, and deoderant {always good}.

does anyone else have such a desk?

teehee okay i am done now. hope wednesday is brilliant.



Jeannie said...

oh my gosh! no wonder your momma asked you to do her invites! Your handwriting is PERFECT. :)

-Jeannie (from SIS)

Shelly Wildman said...

Thank you, sweetheart. They are so cute and I love them!! The party will be a hit because of you!

Anonymous said...

I love your handwriting! Can I please hire you!

WildmanDesigns said...

Uh, excuse me, but these are fabulous! Where have you been hiding??? I think we're in need of a creative play date.

And perhaps you need to think about joining a certain guild that I will not name here, but of which your aunt is a member. We need young blood to liven things up a bit. What say ye?